Around Town

John Milner Symposium

March 14 – 18, 2016, at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md.: The John Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum is a week-long symposium that provides specialized instruction in the role of diet and bioactive food components as modifiers of cancer incidence and tumor behavior.

Dr. Milner was a great champion for diet and cancer prevention research. He served for 10 years as a public liaison on the IFIC Foundation’s Board of Trustees.  His contributions to our Foundation and the broader nutrition research community will never be forgotten.

ASN Scientific Sessions & Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2016

April 2 – 6, 2016, in San Diego: This year’s annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition at Experimental Biology will be held April 2 – 6 in San Diego. Early registration ends March 1.

Experimental Biology is an annual meeting comprising more than 14,000 scientists and exhibitors representing six sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies. It features plenary and award lectures, pre-meeting workshops, oral and posters sessions, on-site career services and exhibits of an array of equipment, supplies and publications required for research labs and experimental study.

JIFSAN 2016 Annual Symposium

April 4 – 5, 2016, in Greenbelt, Md.: The University of Maryland’s Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) has opened registration for its 2016 Annual Symposium, “Communicating Food Risk in an Era of Social Media.” For more information and to register, click here.