Dietary Fats with Kris Sollid, RD [Podcast]

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There are enough contradictory headlines about dietary fats to make your head spin, so it’s time to set the record straight about the different types of fat and the food sources we should be emphasizing in our diets. On this episode of DataDish: Your Trusted Serving of Science, we talk with Kris Sollid, RD, senior director of nutrition communications at the IFIC Foundation.

Some highlights:

  • Why do we need fat in our diet? Dietary fats provide many health benefits, and people are slowly coming around to the idea that fat can be your friend. Kris says it’s all about emphasizing the right types.
  • What’s all this I’ve been hearing about coconut oil? Is it a “superfood”? Kris offers some straight talk about this faddish source of dietary fat. While coconut oil certainly has its place, it’s not the cure-all some people make it out to be.
  • What about trans fats? Trans fats have largely been removed from packaged foods, but they are also found in “natural” sources.
  • What are omega 3 fats? There are different types of omega 3s, and it’s important to get them from both plant and marine sources.
  • What do consumers think about fats and their role in our diet? Kris discusses some IFIC Foundation consumer research findings.

Enjoy the podcast! And to learn more about the dietary fats, check out our resources on coconut oil, trans fats, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and the delicate balance between health and flavor of fat.