When it comes to processed foods, some people talk about “elimination.” While it’s a good idea to limit foods that are lower in essential nutrients and higher in components like sugar, salt and saturated fats, it’s a bad idea to stigmatize the concept of processed foods as a whole.
That’s why I’m more interested in “illumination”—i.e., it’s long past time to shed a little light on the issue. What exactly are processed foods? Why are they processed? And could there actually be some advantages to them?
This week the IFIC Foundation launched a website called “Process This,” which aims to educate with some thought-provoking and often humorous facts. I was proud to work with several of my colleagues here to bring it to life—the self-described “food nerds” who have the knowledge and expertise to do the illuminating.
As we say on the website, “Information about the food we eat surrounds us, yet much of it is low on evidence and high on hype. … We cut through the clutter, sharing the science behind the food that lands in our carts, homes and bellies.”
We hope it will help expand your thought process (pun clearly intended) when it comes to making informed choices about the foods and beverages you consume.