News Bite: 3 Fast and Healthy Recipes, “Spiked” with Nutrition

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It’s no secret around the office that I love to cook. Spending time making dinner is one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day at work. It’s also something that I love to do with friends and family. This is why I am so excited about this new video series with Chef Spike Mendelsohn! Chef Spike worked with us to create three delicious, healthy recipes that are super simple and can fit into any budget.

All of the videos show how you can make healthy, balanced meals with a variety of pantry staples and packaged foods. The 3 recipes include:

In addition to creating a mouth-watering recipe, each video highlights a variety of notable nutrients to help you “spike” up your nutrition game. To view these videos and learn more about the recipes’ nutritional benefits, check them out on The Huffington Post.