On June 16, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling on its previous tentative determination (November 2013) that partially hydrogenated oils, the primary dietary source of artificial trans fat in food, be removed from the “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) list.
IFIC Foundation has many resources available about the GRAS process and the nutrition science that FDA reviews when making such decisions.
- Have you ever wondered how partially hydrogenated oils came to be, why they’re used in foods, and the research showing effects on human health? To answer these questions and more, last year Food Insight interviewed Dr. Ronald Mensink, Professor of Molecular Nutrition with emphasis on lipid metabolism at Maastricht University, in an article titled, TRANSmitting Knowledge of Fats and Oils.
- Curious about the approval process for ingredients to be used in food? Check out IFIC Foundation’s infographic, A Food Ingredient’s Journey to Your Dinner Table.
- Last fall, IFIC Foundation organized and moderated a panel discussion, “TRANSitioning to No Partially Hydrogenated Oils,” at the 2014 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Food & Nutrition Conference and Expo with Drs. Mitch Cheeseman and Janet Collins. Here’s a Recap of IFIC Foundation’s educational session.
- Research on dietary fats and health has advanced considerably in recent years, revealing their complex and critical roles in overall health and wellbeing. The misperception that fats are generally unhealthy is slowly being corrected as scientific evidence regarding the healthfulness of unsaturated fatty acids is more widely communicated. For more information on dietary fats, download IFIC Foundation’s “Dietary Fats: Balancing Health and Flavor.”
IFIC has conducted consumer research that may also be of interest:
- 2015 IFIC Foundation Food & Health Survey
- Q: Have consumers recently changed their opinion about eating saturated fat? A: click here
- Q: What types of oil do consumers view as healthful? A: click here
- Q: What types of fat (including trans and partially hydrogenated oil) do consumers view as healthful? A: click here
- To view the hour-long Health Professionals webcast of Food & Health Survey results, click here.
- To view a “bonus” Q&A from the webcast, click here.