Seeking the Iron Throne? Follow These Tips To Help You Conquer All of Westeros


Sunday nights are the only part of the week that matters for me during the next three months when HBO’s “Game of Thrones” airs. The time in between each new episode is simply for reviewing the last episode and postulating what will happen the next Sunday with fellow co-workers, and sometimes complete strangers. In honor of the sixth season beginning, let’s reflect on how food has, at times, become a spotlight in the series.

1. Make better drink choices than Joffrey. Here is how!

Have you ever considered which wine, red or white, might be better for you? In Joffrey’s case, it was neither. But for the rest of us, there might be a benefit to picking one over the other. Red wines, in general, are a great source of flavonoids such as resveratrol, which are known to have a heart-healthy impact. The most obvious way to avoid Joffrey’s fate is to be a halfway decent human being, but if you want to go one step further, consider a glass of red wine to enjoy with dinner.

2. Seeking the Iron Throne? You should probably start with iron in your diet.

Game of Thrones

I don’t want to say that Ned Stark would still be with us if he had been a little more caring about his iron levels, but it likely would have helped. One does not simply rule from Meereen to The Wall without having adequate iron. This mineral is critical for allowing our blood cells to carry oxygen. Going too long without it could result in anemia and symptoms such as lack of energy, headaches and dizziness.  Fortunately, iron is abundant in many foods. Fear not, the iron (throne)! Many foods such as cereal and enriched refined grains are fortified with this nutrient. Also, consider adding legumes, almonds or spinach to prepare yourself for your next Red Wedding scenario.

3. Need enough food to feed an army? Consider ways to reduce your own food waste.

Game of Thrones

Adequate food and water are necessary for a well-functioning army. Unless you have the Iron Bank on speed dial, you should probably consider ways to reduce food waste. A little bit of time spent planning meals, following good food-prep practices, and storing food could give you the key to the kingdom. Check out this video for tips on cutting down the food waste you produce. The EPA also provides excellent guidelines for reducing food waste at home. If Stannis Baratheon would have read his scrolls from the EPA, his army might have faced a better fate. 

Come next Sunday evening, consider following one of the above tips to enhance your viewing experience. May the old gods and the new gods allow my favorite character to make it through one more episode unscathed.